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Inbox Robot: Industrial Goods Industry News

Friday, August 22, 2008

5 advantages and disadvantages to using dilution ventilation fo Industrial Ventilation

The advantages are:
(1) Usually lower equipment and installation costs.
(2) Needs less maintenance.
(3) Good control for small amounts of low toxicity chemicals.
(4) Effective control for flammable or combustible gases or vapors.
(5) Best ventilation system for small dispersed contaminant sources or mobile sources.

The disadvantages are:
(1) Cannot be used for highly toxic chemicals.
(2) Does not completely remove contaminants.
(3) Not good for handling surges of gases or vapors or irregular emissions.
(4) Not effective for dusts or metal fumes or large amounts of gases or vapors.
(5) Requires large amounts of heated or cooled makeup air.

Manufacturing Business Technology - Manufacturing Processes News